Introducing Elmbase

A professional network for discovering private real estate offerings

Ajay Sohmshetty


Today, I’m thrilled to announce Elmbase, a platform to empower real estate syndicators to build trust with investors, and to provide a more seamless fundraising experience for all.

Real estate can be a powerful investment vehicle for individuals, but the barriers to entry can be high. At Elmbase, we believe that real estate syndication should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we’re building a professional network for private real estate offerings: to make it easier for syndicators to reach a wider pool of investors, and for investors to connect with experienced, trustworthy syndicators.

The platform is currently available by referral only, but we’re excited to offer early access to those who are interested in transforming their real estate investment experience. Reach out below if you’d like to learn more!

A primer on real estate syndication

You’ve probably heard the age-old wisdom to invest in real estate as a strategy for building long-term wealth. It’s a tried and true method that has been practiced for generations, generating consistent returns while providing attractive tax incentives.

As I began my journey into real estate investing, I spent months researching properties, reading books, attending seminars, and speaking with local investors to gain insight. All the while I had this feeling that I wasn’t the expert, that it wasn’t my calling, and that I wasn’t the right person to be doing this type of work. If you empathize with this sentiment, know that you’re definitely not alone! It’s daunting, and many get turned off from real estate as a result.

Despite the feeling, I persisted. I did my due diligence, put in a few offers, and began gearing up to become a landlord — and to deal with the dreaded three Ts: tenants, termites, and toilets.

And then I discovered real estate syndication.

In a syndication, a group of investors pool their capital together to invest in a real estate project led by a professional syndicator (also known as a sponsor). Syndicators are typically experienced in the industry and have a track record of successful real estate investments. They are responsible for finding the right property, managing it, and generating returns for investors.

The benefits of real estate syndication are many. First and foremost, syndications offer the opportunity to leverage the expertise of the syndicator. These are folks that live, breathe (and probably eat) real estate. You benefit from the syndicator’s years-long journey of cultivating their knowledge, experience, and network in the space.

Syndications also provide access to larger, more lucrative real estate deals that may not be available to individual investors. By pooling resources together with other investors, you can invest in properties that you could not have otherwise afforded on your own.

But the best part of real estate syndications is that it’s a completely passive investment. As a limited partner in a syndication, you don’t have to worry about the day-to-day management of the property. You simply invest your money, and wait for the returns.

Real estate syndication has transformed the way I think about investing in real estate. I can invest in real estate, and then do other things with my life (like building Elmbase :)). Real estate syndication is a powerful tool that enables people to participate in the real estate market with far less hassle than traditional property ownership.

The challenges

As much as real estate syndication can be a powerful tool for investing, it’s not without its challenges.

If you’re a syndicator, you know how challenging it can be to reach a wide pool of potential investors and build trust with first-time investors. This can limit the amount of capital you can raise and prevent you from taking on larger or more lucrative projects. The administrative overhead of launching a deal and getting it in front of potential investors can also be time-consuming, and take you away from what you do best: finding great real estate opportunities and building quality relationships with your investor base.

If you’re an investor, you know that finding and vetting syndicators can be challenging. It’s not always clear which syndicators are experienced and trustworthy, and communication with them can be slow and disjointed.

Existing platforms fall short because they either lack social features to build trust, are more focused on financial management of the syndication rather than helping put deals and sponsors in front of more investors, or are not inclusive (they don’t accept everyone, they take exorbitant fees, etc.).

Enter: Elmbase!

Elmbase aims to solve these challenges by building a professional network for private real estate offerings. By leveraging the latest technology, including AI and the latest GPT3 models, our aim is to solve the aforementioned pain points around fundraising for both syndicators and investors.

Now, syndicators can cultivate their profile to showcase their experience and network to build trust with investors, reach a wider pool of investors, and get an improved messaging experience thanks to AI. Investors get greater transparency, accountability, and communication.

With Elmbase, we envision a future where real estate syndication is more inclusive, transparent, and efficient, empowering both syndicators and investors to achieve their financial goals.

Grow your network, and grow your net worth!

A final note…

Thank you for reading.

If you’re an investor and want to join our the network to connect with more sponsors and receive private real estate offerings, feel free to join the waitlist at Otherwise, if you’re a syndicator or want to join along for the ride, feel free to get in touch in the form below or email me directly at

In the coming blog posts, we’ll be diving deeper into the world of real estate syndication and Elmbase. Be sure to hit follow on Medium to stay updated on the latest!

